Photo 1 Who is the Rosa family Photo 2 Who is the Rosa family Photo 3 Who is the Rosa family

The story of Vetreria Artistica Rosa
"Since I was a child, glass has fascinated me greatly. I easily learned the techniques and 'secrets' of various glassmaking processes, thus mastering the art from the best furnaces in Murano."

"Passion and experience acquired over many years of work, the pursuit of beauty and perfection, amidst the heat of the furnace and the skill of transforming glass into true works of art."

"This is what I have tried to pass on to my children, the love for the Art of Glass."

"United by this passion, we decided to present our collection of chandeliers, wall lamps, and other furnishings, all handmade according to the ancient tradition of Murano blown glass..."

Carlo Rosa

A family of glassmaking masters passing down the art
Vetreria Artistica Rosa was founded by Master Carlo Rosa, who then passed on his passion for the art of glass to his sons, Denis and Omar.
Together, they have over time consolidated the foundations of the company, which has become a reference point for large projects at both national and international levels. The experience gained over the years allows them to create any type of creation with various technical characteristics, more or less complex.

Skill and creativity are natural qualities that belong to all three Masters. Different original and innovative ideas merge to create unique finished products. Skill and precision have always allowed them not to limit creation, even when dealing with large quantities or imposing articles.
All these characteristics listed so far, and the closeness with the customer, give ample space for customization in the creation of unique bespoke works.

Master Carlo Rosa
Master Carlo Rosa has over 50 years of experience in the art of glass. The beginning of his journey in the world of craftsmanship started when he was still a child, visiting the most famous furnaces in Murano and learning the trade.
At the age of 9, he began visiting them, immersing himself in that world of artistic craftsmanship that fascinated him so much, and at the age of 12, his apprenticeship began, developing among important names such as Barbini, Ferro Lazzarini, Galliano Ferro, Paoli.
Thanks to his natural ability and manual dexterity, he distinguished himself over time for his precious creations.

He is a 100% artist who has always dedicated his time to designing and creating new glass articles, to the practice and creation of glass engravings, to painting, and music.
Master Carlo Rosa's great passion has been passed on to his sons Denis and Omar, who have been part of Vetreria Artistica Rosa for many years alongside him.

Master Carlo Rosa

Our clients


We develop projects for large and small hotels. We provide lighting fixtures and furnishing accessories for important and prestigious hotels.

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Architects - Interior designers

We collaborate with many architects for the realization of entire projects related to both restorations and new buildings. We handle projects for hotels, restaurants, entire villas, and many other types of spaces.

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Private residences

We furnish the finest private villas worldwide. The works of the Venetian Artistic Craftsmanship Glassware of the Rosa family are of absolute international prominence.

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The master glassmakers

Carlo Rosa

Carlo Rosa

Master glassmaker

Denis Rosa

Denis Rosa

Master glassmaker

Omar Rosa

Omar Rosa

Master glassmaker

Siamo una fornace artistica che produce lampadari Murano classici, moderni, floreali, luxury, liberty e decò, ma anche tavoli artistici, lampade a sospensione, piantane e altri oggetti d'arredo in vetro di Murano, secondo l'antica tradizione veneziana. Tutti i lampadari sono realizzati dalle mani esperte dei Maestri vetrai Carlo, Omar e Denis della famiglia Rosa.


Reviews from our customers
